You can book on-line quickly and easily:
1 – After entering the dates of your stay and choosing the apartment you wish to book, click on the "Book Apartment" button and you will be directed to a secure booking form.
2 - Fill in the booking form with all the information requested. It is important to fill in all the fields. Make sure you have entered your email address correctly. If it is typed incorrectly, we will be unable to respond to your request.
3 - At this point in the secure booking form you must select the payment method. You may choose from three different types of payment:
PAYMENT BY CREDIT CARD (Visa or Mastercard):Once you have inserted all your credit card details, press "Enter". You will then receive an email confirming the booking and payment received with useful information and all the details of your booking.
PAYMENT BY PAYPAL:Select PayPal as the payment method and press "Enter". You will be redirected to your PayPal account where you will be able to make the payment.
PAYMENT BY BANK TRANSFER:If you choose to pay by bank transfer, on our booking form you will find all our banking details necessary to make the payment.
Remember to enter the "Reservation Code" on the bank transfer. The Reservation Code can be found on the booking form. This allows us to trace it to the booking in question.
To complete the booking, we will wait for the copy of the transfer made
within 48 hours (to be sent via email to our address At this point, you will receive an email from us confirming your booking and payment with useful information and all the details of your booking.