The website in desktop and
mobile version and applications VENICEAPARTMENT.COM (hereinafter: “Site and
App”) are the property of the company VENICEAGENCY.COM S.R.L., with registered
office in Via Terraglio 75, 31021 Mogliano Veneto (TV), share capital € 10.000,00,
VAT, tax code and registration number at the Company Register of Treviso
03983970264 (hereinafter referred to as: “Proprietor”).
Access to the Site and App
and the information relating to all the services presupposes compliance with
and acceptance of all these General Conditions of Use (hereinafter:
“Conditions”). For this reason, you are advised to read the content carefully
if you wish to access and use the information for the purposes of the services
offered by the Site and App. VENICEAPARTMENT.COM permits recipients of its
service to enter, publish and consult free of charge on-line notices,
subdivided by city and category.
Users of the aforementioned
services and content may find useful information and communicate directly with
VENICEAGENCY.COM S.R.L., via the “Contact” page (Art. 7 Legislative Decree no.
70/03, paragraph 1, lett. a, b, c, d, i) .
Under this Service section,
(Terms and conditions of use), the term “User/s” refers both to guest users
booking the services and/or the apartments of the Advertisers (hereinafter
referred to as Advertisers).
The service may be used by
those of 18 years and above.
Any use of the service by
minors requires and implies the authorisation of their parents or of someone
who exercises authority or guardianship over them.
Those people therefore assume
the full and exclusive responsibility for any behaviour conducted by the minor
when accessing and using the service (publication of a notice/response to a
notice/activation of promotions on the site/activation of an alert).
3.1 The User can search the
advertiser’s services using criteria such as the type of service, the
destination of the trip, dates of travel and the number of guests. To refine
the search results, the User may apply filters that are based on the relevance
of the search and on other parameters. Relevance is given by factors such as
price, availability, reviews, customer support and chronology of cancellations,
popularity, previous trips and saved notices, the advertiser’s requirements
(for example, the minimum or maximum number of nights) and more besides. To learn
more about search results, visit our support centre.
3.2 When the User reserves an
apartment advertised, they agree to pay all charges relating to the
reservation, including the price indicated in the advertisement, the costs
applicable to the service, the taxes and any other items identified during the
payment procedure (hereinafter the “Price”). By accepting these conditions, the
User also agrees that VENICEAPARTMENT may charge and collect any security
deposit set at the time of payment or requested by the advertiser.
3.3 The reservation of an
apartment constitutes a tourist rental contract between the User and the
Advertiser which allows the User to access, occupy and use the apartment. The
Advertiser has the right to request payment of any security deposit from the
User to cover any damage to the apartment. The Advertiser has the right to
re-enter the accommodation during the User’s stay insofar as: (i) that is
reasonably necessary, (ii) it is allowed under the contract stipulated with the
advertiser and (iii) it conforms to the applicable law. If the User remains in
the apartment beyond the last checkout time, the Advertiser has the right to
have them removed from the accommodation in accordance with the applicable law,
as well as to impose reasonable penalties for staying beyond the end of the
stay. Under no circumstances may the User exceed the maximum number of guests
4.1 The User is responsible for
any changes to the reservations made through the VENICEAPARTMENT platform and
agrees to pay any additional amounts, costs or taxes associated with the Change
to Reservations.
4.2 The ways of cancelling
reservations by the User and the additional costs depend on the conditions
selected by the Advertiser from one of the following 4 categories:
A - Flexible Terms.
If the User cancels the reservation within 24 hours of the stay they will be
required to pay an amount equal to 100% of the cost of the stay.
B - Moderate Terms.
If the User cancels the reservation within 7 days of the stay they will be
required to pay an amount equal to 100% of the cost of the stay.
C - Rigid Terms.
If the User cancels the reservation within 30 days of the stay they will be
required to pay an amount equal to 100% of the cost of the stay.
4.3 Cancellations due to force
In the case of cancellations due to force majeure (with the exception of
strikes and high water), the User may ask for reimbursement or a voucher for
the full amount paid in order to bring forward or postpone the stay.
4.4 Problems relating to the accommodation:
If a problem arises during the stay, it is essential that the User gets in
contact with the Advertiser so that it can be resolved. It is essential that you do it within 24
hours of the moment in which you have encountered the problem. Refund requests
will not be accepted if the problems encountered in the apartment have not been
reported within 24 hours of them being detected.
Before sending a refund request via the “Solutions Centre”, we advise the User
to discuss any refund amount with the Advertiser using the chat tool provided
by VENICEAPARTMENT.COM. If it has not been possible to reach a financial
agreement between the parties, the User may ask VENICEAPARTMENT.COM to
intervene as a mediator. The decisions of VENICEAPARTMENT.COM on the cases
discussed are always final.
refund requests should be communicated to the Advertiser and forwarded to
VENICEAPARTMENT.COM via the “Solutions Centre” within and not more than 7
days from the date of check-out. After this period, refund requests will not be
considered valid.
Under no circumstances can a refund request by the User be for an amount
greater than that paid for the booking of the accommodation.
4.5 Cancellation by the
In the
case of cancellation by the Advertiser VENICEAPARTMENT.COM will undertake to
assist the User by looking for alternative accommodation of a similar or higher
standard. Where it has not been possible to find an alternative accommodation
solution, VENICEAPARTMENT.COM will refund the User the full cost of the
Specifically as a result of cancellations by the Advertiser, the User agrees to
indemnify VENICEAPARTMENT.COM, substantially and procedurally, from any injury,
loss, damage, responsibility, cost, fees or expenses, including legal expenses,
arising from claims or actions brought by third parties or by the User
themselves, in any place and in any capacity.
The User is responsible for
their own actions and omissions and for the actions and omissions of anyone
they invite into or to whom they provide access to the apartment. This means,
for example: (i) that they are required to leave the Apartment (and the related
personal property) in the conditions in which they found them on their arrival
and (ii) that they must behave in an ethical manner, treat others with respect
and follow the laws in force at all times. If the reservation is made for an
additional guest who is a minor or if a minor is brought to use an Advertiser’s
service, the User must have the legal permission to act on their behalf and is
solely responsible for the supervision of that minor.
proprietor of all the services and content made available to the User through
its own website.
It is therefore forbidden to
reproduce and/or use, in full or in part, free of charge or for a
consideration, any of the site’s resources, artwork, symbols, brands, logos or
distinctive signs in general, including the text of these conditions of use.
the discretionary right to grant, upon the User’s request, its written
authorisation for the use of one or more services for a strictly personal use.
All the information relating
to privacy is contained in the section “Privacy law” within the website
the right, at any time, to withdraw, de-activate or alter, either temporarily
or permanently, the provision of this service as well as to cancel and edit the
advertisements of users according to discretionary and indisputable criteria,
without forewarning the User and without stating the cause for the action.
The latter agrees, therefore,
that VENICEAPARTMENT.COM will not be responsible, to them or to third parties,
for the alteration, suspension, withdrawal or interruption of the service as
well as for the cancellation and alteration of messages submitted, whatever the
means of doing so.
These general conditions and
relations between VENICEAPARTMENT.COM and the User will be regulated by the Law
of the Italian Republic.
The Court of Venice shall
have exclusive jurisdiction for any dispute concerning, deriving from or
connected to these conditions and/or the use of the service.
Before using any of the
services, the User is required to inform themselves about the existence of any
alterations and/or updates made to the conditions of use.
Such alterations and/or
updates will form an integral part of these general conditions and will
constitute the source of the agreement between VENICEAPARTMENT.COM and the
With the declaration of
acceptance below, the User expressly declares, in accordance with and for the
purposes of Article 1341, paragraph 2, and 1342 civil code to have read
carefully and to approve specifically the contractual requirements contained in
clauses no. 4) penalty; 8) final provisions and Court of jurisdiction; 9)
acceptance of the conditions of use.
Ca' Bernardo Suite